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How to cope with vaginal discharge

Written By Photography Tips on Monday, January 2, 2012 | 4:04 PM

vaginal discharge is a normal thing that happens in women, it is usually common in the time before menstruation, childbirth and the period when women experience stress. vaginal discharge like this is a normal condition.
whereas abnormal vaginal discharge is usually caused by:
presence of bacterial, fungal and others

  • vaginal ulcers
  • endometriosis
  • cysts etc.

whereas fungi that can cause vaginal discharge is candida albicans, which occurs as a liquid vaginal discharge watery and white in color, musty-smelling and itchy. while vaginal discharge is caused by germs or bacteria stink, sometimes accompanied by pain in the genital area women,
will also feel pain when urinating.
There are two kinds of vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge clean and dirty. clean condition is generally caused due to sexual stimulation, puberty and orgasm, while a dirty condition vaginal discharge is often caused because of the many organisms that live inside the woman's vagina, how clean it is by frequent change of underwear after urinating or defecating and wash with clean water, wipe to dry, use a natural anti-septic such as betel leaf or simply use soap.

now we have a question, what is the solution to the problem of vaginal discharge? we can try some of the following tips:

  1. use of safe and sanitary quality, rather than recycled materials
  2. use homeopathic remedies
  3. we can use the betel leaf is boiled and cooled water as wipe
  4. frequently changing underwear to avoid moisture and full of bacteria
  5. maintain your diet, avoiding consumption of cucumber, yam, spinach, papaya and banana because it can cause vaginal discharge increase.
 vaginal discharge indeed a very unpleasant condition for women, slightly above tips may help the readers. because my wife already feel the results of these tips. may we always be given the health.
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