Toward the End of Year Holiday, Christmas, and By the turn of the year it came as a whole from the cellular operators will be very busy with each service to innovate for their customers.
not to disappoint customers. they are racing to improve performance and speed on their cellular networks - each.
Various attempts were also made of the cellular operators to anticipate the increase in traffic, including through increased network capacity, network optimization, and network monitoring in an integrated way through the operation of the Command Center (Typically this will begin to operate on 24 to 25 December and 31 December to 1 January during a full 24 hours).
Based on the experience of previous years, voice traffic is expected to increase the average - average of 16.7 percent of regular traffic. While the SMS traffic is expected to rise 30.36 percent and 11.56 percent of data is expected to rise. For that year, the company made several improvements, particularly to the capacity of voice, SMS, and data.
Voice capacity will be increased by 0.68 percent and SMS capacity is increased by 73.02 percent over the Christmas and New Year period the previous year. While the increased data capacity of up to 8.36 Gbps and is able to provide the data volume of approximately 100 terabytes / day.
"We have set up the capacity of services tailored to the predicted increase in traffic that will occur in times of celebration of Christmas, New Year and year-end holidays. We hope this makes the customer can keep in touch with comfortable no matter where they move during this period, "Statement Djarot Handoko (chief of the Division of one of the cellular operators)
this is an annual innovation that in applied by any cellular operator to maintain loyalty in subscription.
Increase Cellular Service Operators (More Busy)
Written By Photography Tips on Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 12:33 AM